19 August 2017

Garlic harvest, in full

A pile of garlic bulbs on a plastic packing tray
Not a bad haul
Here's my garlic harvest, which I dug up in June;  it was about a month earlier than I normally harvest, but the plants were ready and the bulbs were pretty big!  I'd planted it out October/November 2016.

Altogether I got about 90 garlic bulbs, not counting a couple very tiny one-clove-sized ones.  I planted out 50 bought cloves (from regular grocery store garlic), and around 30-35 of my own homegrown cloves.  The remaining bulbs were volunteers that I'd missed from the previous year's harvest.

I plan on replanting around 100 cloves for next year's harvest, though having a year's supply in the cupboard is the most important thing right now;  I'll keep at least 60 bulbs for culinary use and buy a few more for planting if there's any shortfall.  I've been fully self-reliant in garlic before, with enough for both replanting and eating.  Will it be the case this year?  I'll know by October, when it's time to replant.

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