12 December 2017

The end of the line for celery?

After some hard frosts and a light dusting of snow, my celery looked pretty sad yesterday:  all wilted and limp.  I went to take a photo, but had to charge batteries first, and they only finished after dark (the sun sets around 3.45 PM now).  I'm sure you can imagine how they looked, all slumped in the snow.

I dug up half of them and asked the husband to trim and wash them while I emptied the contents of the chicken house.  I thought I gave him the easy job, but as it turned out, I finished way before he did!  But the happy result is that we have a drawer in the fridge filled to the brim with celery, which will probably last for the rest of the month if it doesn't go moldy before we can use it all.  It's a lot of celery.

I left the other half in the ground because a) I knew we didn't have room to keep it in the fridge, and b) I'm hoping it can perk up again once it thaws out.  But if it doesn't make it after all, it still gave us a good run;  we've been eating celery regularly since October, and it's been a relatively easy and trouble-free vegetable to grow.  I'll definitely grow it again in 2018.

I spread that chicken manure on the old Roots bed, where the celery was.  Next year it should be the Potatoes bed according to the rotation specified in The Complete Book of Self Sufficiency, but as I'm not doing a dedicated potato bed in 2018, it'll be the Misc bed, with a corner of it the Holding bed.

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